We are a community born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, established on the following principles:
it is not feminism if it is not intersectional Intersectional feminism considers how different aspects of a person's identity, such as race, gender, class, etc., intersect and lead to unique forms of discrimination and privilege.
the ideal world is diverse, plural, and knows no borders Although borders between identities and nations have real social and political effects, they are, in reality, social constructs that should be dissolved. We believe in feminism that envisions change and social justice across (identity) borders and strives for freedom of movement for all.
black A racialized classification of people, usually a socio-political and a skin-color-based category. lives matter The recognition that Black people are disproportionately impacted by structural and police violence, and that their lives deserve respect and protection.
we fight for a queer An umbrella term that includes non-heterosexual, non-cisgender and other gender or sexuality-related identities that are outside of what is considered the default, like asexuality and polyamory. liberation that includes the autonomy of transgender and genderqueer people
yes means yes (and no means no) Consent is a voluntary, affirmative, conscious, agreement to engage in (sexual) activity. It can be revoked at any time; a previous relationship does not constitute consent, and coercion or threat of force can also not be used to establish consent. Additionally, a person who is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or is either not awake or fully awake, is unable to give consent. Consent can be given either verbally or nonverbally.
we are pro-choice Supporting the belief that a pregnant person should have the freedom to choose an abortion (the intentional ending of pregnancy) if they do not want to have a child. and fight for bodily autonomyThe right to determine what happens to your own body., especially for those whose bodies Certain groups of people* have limited access to medical or gender-affirming healthcare because their issues are underplayed by medical professionals and institutions. Medical oppression can also take the form of unwanted medical interventions.
*Groups most affected by medical discrimination and policing of bodies include sex workers, women, trans people, intersex people, disabled people, people of colour, fat people and people who need abortions. fall victim to policing and medical oppression
sex work is work, thus we support sex workers and believe in decriminalization Decriminalisation is distinct from legalisation, which argues to regulate sex work by subjecting it to harmful surveillance and policing. Instead, decriminalisation stands for removal of criminal sanctions around sex work, thereby striving for safer and more just working conditions for sex workers. of their labour
we support anti-imperial Imperialism is the exertion of power over another group or country through violence and cultural imposition. Anti-imperialism fights for the self-determination of people and countries that are exploited and overpowered by imperial forces. and anti-capitalist Capitalism is an economic system that is based on the exploitation of workers and the Earth's limited resources to financially benefit the rich class. Anti-capitalism can take many forms, like socialism and anarchy, which provide alternatives for capitalism by proposing, for instance, a society organised around community, collectivisation or shared ownership. efforts and believe that these fights cannot be separated from each other
we believe in environmental justice and uplifting voices of those disproportionately affected This includes Indigenous peoples, people living in the global South whose labour and lands have been stolen and exploited, people living in poverty, and other marginalised groups. by climate change
we strive towards being an inclusive With the intention to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally. and safe space A webpage and community where we strive to be free of bias or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations. with decentralized power structures Resources, responsibility and authority of an organization are not centered around a small authoritative and powerful group, but rather every participant of an organization is important.
we respect each other and each others’ choices
we speak out against injustice