Sunday Feminist Discussion

Discussion Night: Feminism and Abortion

Last Wednesday, November 9th, we held another discussion night, this time on feminism and abortion. We started the evening with discussing the win of Donald Trump in the USA elections. His win can have devastating results to the abortion-laws in America. Compared to the previous discussion nights, the turnout was quite low, however we had […]


Feminism and (Zwarte) Piet

It is almost impossible to live in the Netherlands and not know about Sinterklaas. This mythical Greek-Turkish bishop, who resides in Spain for most of the year, comes over to the Netherlands by steamboat in November. For a few weeks children can put their shoe in front of the fireplace, put a carrot in it for […]


Feminism and Abortion

Next week, on the 9th of November, we will be having our next Discussion Night, and this time we will be discussion abortion. One of our members has prepared a great list of discussion questions and in this post we want to present those, as well as sources that will help you prepare for the […]


The Feminist Club Responds (Dutch)

Recent stond in de NRC een opiniestuk van Colin van Heezik (lees hier via Blendle, €0,29) over de zogenaamde condition masculine. (Hetero) Mannen hebben nu eenmaal oerdriften die zij niet kunnen beheersen, stelde van Heezik. Een aantal van onze leden hebben een reactie geschreven op dit artikel. Seksualiteit moet gedeeld goed zijn Praten over seks: tot op welke […]

FCA opinion

The Feminist Club Recommends: Youtubers

The great power of new media is accessibility. Through media like youtube, twitter, and tumblr, you can find like-minded people from all over the world. It’s a wonderful way to connect and an opportunity to educate yourself. In this serie of blogposts, we want to share our favorite channels, tweeps and tumblee (is that a […]


Feminism and Mental Health #2

On October 18th we had a great Discussion Night at the office of Mama Cash, where we discussed mental health in relation to feminism. In this blogpost, we want to highlight some of the things that we discussed. First of all, it should be mentioned that a night like this can work like a trigger. Talking […]