Sunday Feminist Discussion

Discussion Night: February 2017-Feminism and Sexuality

The Feminist Club Amsterdam discussion night 22nd of February 2017 @Atria Sum-up by: Iris Workum From the moment we are born, we are assigned a gender. If it’s a girl, it’s pink and dolls. If it’s a boy, it’s blue and cars. These gender constructs are made up by society, but nonetheless affect our lives. […]


What should a feminist vote?

The national elections in the Netherlands are drawing closer, in March we will be voting for the House of Representatives (in Dutch: De Tweede Kamer, literally: The Second Chamber). But what should we vote for…? To answer that question, we’ve started a collective effort of formulating voting advice. Using our recently published Manifesto, we’ve made a […]



In de aanloop naar verkiezingen wil The Feminist Club politieke partijen oproepen om zich actief in te zetten voor een eerlijkere arbeidsmarkt. Daarom heeft The Feminist Club een Feministisch Manifest geschreven, waarin wordt beschreven op welke gebieden verbetering noodzakelijk is. We willen politici aansporen om zich hard te maken voor een werkvloer waar seksisme, racisme, […]


STOP THE HATE!: A Reflection on 2017 Trump& Wilders Campaigns

The Feminist Club is proud to be part of the organisation of a protest that will take place on Friday the 20th of January. We are concerned with the growth of right winged parties, by the growing xenophobia, climate change. We see some of our rights crumbling and we want to halt this.

Sunday Feminist Discussion

Feminism and Men: Contradiction or collaboration?

The Feminist Club Amsterdam discussion night 10th of January 2017 @ Atria  Sum-up by Vanessa Cantinho de Jesus   Real dialogue isn’t about talking to people who believe the same things as you. ― Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017) When I first joined The Feminist Club I decided to do so because I felt this was a […]

art work FCA opinion

PIEMELPRAAT (FCA youtube response)

Lactacyd, a brand of “female hygiene” products, published a new video which – supposedly- was meant as an advert. It was terrible, shitty on all accounts. The video basically was four guys sitting at a table, body shaming women. Talking harshly about how they would never go down on an unshaven or unwashed pussy. News […]