Music opinion

Sexism in Jazz: The Women Re-Shaping The Boys Club

Women typically face challenges breaking into male-dominated fields but the female jazz musicians of today are taking a sledgehammer to the boys club of the music industry. The lack of female contribution and old-school sexism within the Jazz community is perplexing. There is no better example of democracy than a Jazz ensemble: individual freedom but […]


Violence against women: a men’s issue?

  I like to think that pretty much everyone in society is in agreement on this: violence against women, gender-based violence, and violence in general, is bad. So why is something that’s generally agreed to be bad so prevalent? Why does one in three women worldwide still experience physical or sexual violence at some point […]


LGBT+ and the Elections

This week we published an election advice on our website for the upcoming Dutch national elections. This advice was based on our manifesto and compared 13 political parties on six topics: Reproductive and parental rights Wage gap and (re)evaluation of ‘women’s’ work Freedom of dress Sexual intimidation and violence Racism and discrimination Sex work It was […]


What should a feminist vote?

The national elections in the Netherlands are drawing closer, in March we will be voting for the House of Representatives (in Dutch: De Tweede Kamer, literally: The Second Chamber). But what should we vote for…? To answer that question, we’ve started a collective effort of formulating voting advice. Using our recently published Manifesto, we’ve made a […]



In de aanloop naar verkiezingen wil The Feminist Club politieke partijen oproepen om zich actief in te zetten voor een eerlijkere arbeidsmarkt. Daarom heeft The Feminist Club een Feministisch Manifest geschreven, waarin wordt beschreven op welke gebieden verbetering noodzakelijk is. We willen politici aansporen om zich hard te maken voor een werkvloer waar seksisme, racisme, […]


STOP THE HATE!: A Reflection on 2017 Trump& Wilders Campaigns

The Feminist Club is proud to be part of the organisation of a protest that will take place on Friday the 20th of January. We are concerned with the growth of right winged parties, by the growing xenophobia, climate change. We see some of our rights crumbling and we want to halt this.