
Feminism and Abortion

Next week, on the 9th of November, we will be having our next Discussion Night, and this time we will be discussion abortion. One of our members has prepared a great list of discussion questions and in this post we want to present those, as well as sources that will help you prepare for the discussion night and learn more about abortion.

Klaudyna organizes the content of this discussion night on Abortion. Many thanks!

Klaudyna has formulated the following discussion questions that we can discuss on the 9th:

1. General question: “Why there is a ban on abortion? What are the main arguments against abortion? What are the main arguments supporting it?”
2. What does religion says about abortion? (So far I gained some background information on Catholicism….)
3. What are the examples of countries where abortion is forbidden and what does it mean for their female citizens? ( I can think here about Ireland and El Salvador but of course other ideas are more than welcomed). What is the impact of a total ban on abortion (example: Romania)?
4. The case of Poland – as a Polish citizen I would like to present the recent political developments in Poland and how they affect the position of women.
5.Is there anything we could do to change people’s minds? (Probably it is a bit idealistic question but maybe there are some great ideas within our group)

To prepare for the Discussion Night, please look into the following sources:

1. The total criminalisation of abortion in El Salvador, described in this pdf-file:

2. This poem on abortion by Leyla Josephine on her personal experience with abortion:

In the past, the feminist club has organized a benefit for Women on Waves, a Dutch organisation that strives to prevent unsafe abortion and to support people to make claim to their human rights and physical autonomy. For some background on this, you can check out their website:

Klaudyna has read a lot of material to prepare for this discussion night. If you are interested, check out this list that she has put together:

”Abortion and regret” – Kate Greasley
“Everything is not abortion stigma” – Anuradha Kumar
“Addressing barriers to safe abortion” – Kelly R.Ciulwell , Manuelle Hurwitz
“Physicians and abortion: Provision, Political participation and conflics on the ground – the cases of Brazil and Poland” – Silvia de Zordo, Joanna Mishtal
“The afterlife of embryonic persons – what a strange place heaven must be” –Timothy F Murphy
“Ethical issues in human reproduction: Catholic perspectives” – Antonio Lanzone
“Nationalism, religion, and abortion policy in four Catholic societies” – Iga Kozlowska, Daniel Beland and Andre Lecours
“Stigmatization and commercialization of abortion services in Poland: turning sin into gold” – Agata Chelstowska
“Women’s health and reproductive rights: Romanian experience” –Henry P. David & Adriana Baban
“From hospital to jail: the impact on women of El Salvador’s total criminalization of abortion” – from Reproductive HEALTH matters, 2014 (no author)
“The politics of reproduction in Ceausescu’s Romania: A case study in political culture”

The location will be announced ASAP. To stay up to date on our events, you can keep a close eye on our website or check out our events on You can also keep updated by becoming a member of our facebook-page.


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