
Anti-Racism Lecture Night


A week ago, we had a wonderful lecture night on Anti-Racism. Two experts in the field, Sarita Bajnath and Arzu Aslan graced us with their presence and wisdom. It was a great night, where us listeners learned a lot. We want to thank Sarita and Arzu again for their great lectures. We also want to thank Tirsa With for moderating the night, which she did in such a powerful and intelligent way.

In this blogpost we want to give you some information about the night and our future events, including a Privilege Training provided by Sarita Bajnath and the FCA. This post includes:

  • Information about canceling tickets
  • The privilege training provided by Sarita Bajnath and the Feminist Club Amsterdam
  • Information about racism in the Netherlands
  • Our upcoming discussion night on Dating as a Feminist


Information about canceling tickets
At the lecture night, over 20 people who had signed up, did not show up. There were many people who would have wanted to attend, who were unable to come because all tickets were registered. Additionally, the FCA has made a financial loss, because of the smaller number of attendees. In the future, if you are unable to attend an event that you’ve signed up for, please cancel your ticket! You can do so by going to the eventpage on Eventbrite, or sending an e-mail to

The privilege training provided by Sarita Bajnath and the Feminist Club Amsterdam
On the 4th of November Sarita Bajnath is providing a privilege training in English. Sarita is kindly offering this training at cost price: €25. If you are in financial distress, the FCA can support you.

Please bear in mind that this is meant for people who are in actual financial distress. If you are able to go out for drinks regularly, have a job, are able to travel the world, this support is not meant for you.

The training will take place in Amsterdam South-East (Bijlmer), from 13.00-15.00.

We are aware that this announcement is quite late. There’s a minimum of 10 participants. If there are not enough participants, the training will be postponed.

You can sign up via this Google form:

Our upcoming discussion night on Dating as a Feminist
On the 8th of November, we are having another discussion night. This upcoming night, we will be discussing what it’s like to date as a feminist.

You can find more information and sign up for this event here:

Information about racism in the Netherlands
Several people were interested in reading more on racism in the Netherlands. Arzu Aslan provided a list of examples, which we are gladly sharing with you below. You can click on the topics in this list, to read more about them.

Read more about Racism in the Netherlands:

Black schools vs White schools

Racial Profiling by police (Controle Alt Delete)

Black Pete

Poor PoC (Dipsaus Jurenne Hooi) (Dutch)


Refugee ‘’crisis”’

Migration Laws EU vs Human Rights

Discrimination on the labour market

Anti-islam laws

Books for further reading:
Everyday Racism- Philomena Essed (1984)
White innocence – Gloria Wekker
Hallo Witte Mensen – Anousha Nzume (Dutch)


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