They are already home

(Image: DeGoedeZaak)
DeGoedeZaak launched a new campaign last week with the slogan: ‘they are already home’ referring to 400 children who have been living in The Netherlands for at least five years but have are still waiting for their residence permit or even worse; fearing deportation.
In the last few years it has only gotten more difficult to obtain a residence permit, more requests are rejected or lawyers don’t even accept the cases. Out of all cases 92% are rejected. The current coalition has no plans to improve the position of these children.
The Netherlands has a law named ‘kinderpardon'(translate to childpardon). This law should make it possible for children who have been in The Netherlands for at least 5 years to receive their permit. However because of the unclear rules it often results in a negative outcome for the children. Scientific research by Argrite Kalverboer and Elianne Zijlstra (Rijkuniversiteit Groningen) showed that children cannot be deported after 5 years without causing damage, not forgetting the damage that has possible already been done because of the uncertainty these children faced for many years.
The Dutch government should take the rights of children seriously and change the law and regulations. The Feminist Club Amsterdam supports the campaign and desires more rights for children in The Netherlands and improved rights for refugees. You can support the campaign by signing the petition here: or help spread the word by using the hashtag: #zezijnalthuis and #ikblijfhier
Source used:
defenceforchildren FAQ