
What happened in June 2022?

USA: the American Supreme Court has repealed the national legalisation of abortion rights. Every state can decide for itself whether it keeps abortion legal and, if so, under what conditions. The Supreme Court’s decision was met with nationwide demonstrations. final sentences were given in several high-profile cases of sexual assault. After 25 years of allegations, […]


What happened in April and May 2022?

By Lisa Verberne April Hungary: right-wing and conservative Viktor Orbán wins his fourth consecutive term as prime minister. Orbán is widely criticised for his extremely conservative views, his tampering with the voting system and for not condemning Putin’s war on Ukraine. UK: after stating that there would be no ban on conversion therapy, prime minister […]


The Danger of Homonationalism

Written By Camille It’s June, Pride Month, in honour of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. It’s June, our social media are filled with rainbows, and big companies and brands switched their logo to the colour of Pride. It’s June, Rainbow washing month […]


The Complexities in Representations of Women Refugees

Written by Julia Krantz How are refugees represented in the media? The photograph from the project How Shall We Greet the Sun (2021-ongoing) (fig. one), by Thana Faroq, depicts Kimiya who moved to the Netherlands from Iran a few years ago.[1] Representations of people fleeing from their homes flood the media daily. The western media […]


Becoming the monster: reclaiming queer monstrosity in Black Sails

By Lisa Verberne When Hollywood introduced the Hays Code in 1935, villainy and queerness became closely related in the cultural imagination. The Code consisted of a series of self-imposed regulations that prohibited any positive depictions of homosexuality, for fear that it would ‘corrupt’ their viewers (Kim 2017, 158). Consequently, queercoded characters could only be shown […]


What happened in March 2022?

By Lisa International: Around the world, people celebrated and protested during International Women’s Day (March 8th). Israel: During Arab Mother’s Day (March 21st), incarcerated Palestinian mothers protested the conditions in which they are held captive. A highly controversial policy allows Israeli forces to indefinitely imprison people without charges; the policy is mostly used to detain […]