Art Comic

Feminism on Instagram

In today’s digital age, social media has revolutionized feminist activism. Among the many platforms, Instagram, a popular visual centric site, has afforded a fast paced connection and widespread influence. With an environment which allows for self-expression and social commentary to a great extent, Instagram becomes a significant place for feminist expression. However, despite the platform’s […]

Art Comic

All I Want for Christmas…

Art art work poetry

body politics, body poetics: part 5 – electrikaˣ /// on gender, technology, and the cyberspace

Illustration: Ines DeRu pamela Feminism and cyberfeminism in Latin America are a praxis of their own. The lack of privilege and education that runs through the region generates a collective dissociation from the academic and conceptual feminisms of North America and Europe. I recently attended an online workshop1 held by Argentinian feminist hacktivists Sol […]

Art art work General poetry

body politics, body poetics: part 4 – latinikaˣ /// on Latin American feminisms and the streets

Poem: Gloria Anzaldúa pamela   In Mexico, it is common to hear the phrase se la robaron1. This means a woman was taken by a man and forced to mate with him and bear his children. This was a common practice in the generations before my grandparents. My great-grandmother–poor, with Cora indigenous roots, and […]

Art Debate Film review General

The depiction of sex in Egyptian cinema since the ’70s

Written by Hana Elramly  “Everything in life is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power” – Oscar Wilde. Sex drives a major part of our actions and is present in several aspects of our lives, though for long it is meant to be limited to a married couple’s bedroom. Because sex is the essence […]

Art art work Debate General poetry

body politics, body poetics: part 3 – corporikaˣ /// on the body, marginalization, and patriarchy

pamela Our body, our first territory, is unknown to us. We are not encouraged to get to know it. We are not taught about its parts, especially girls, especially genitals. And because everything is so internal, it is hard to see, to understand its cycles. When adulthood starts and processes like menstruation arrive, confusion […]