Debate News opinion

Which party says what? – Standpunten voor de verkiezingen

Scroll naar beneden voor Nederlands! As the elections are coming up we looked into how feminist topics are represented in the different party programs. The many parties (see the whole list here) on the same political spectrum often have similar viewpoints on many topics, though differ in the main focus of its program or in […]

Announcements Debate


Our theme of the month is Masculinities, through which we invite you, our readers, our writers and anyone else to reflect upon these social constructions and concepts as to observe their impacts, their implications and potentially challenge these preconceptions. Ultimately asking what these are, what do they do, how do they affect our everyday relationships […]

Debate opinion

Why you should vote – Gebruik je stemrecht!

– A history of Dutch voting rights – Scroll below for English! De verkiezingen komen eraan! Op woensdag 17 Maart kunnen we onze stem laten horen. Ondanks dat veel mensen mogen stemmen, lijkt niet iedereen gebruik te maken van dit privilege. Tijdens de vorige verkiezingen, in 2017, kwam er meer dan 18% van de stemmers […]